Palace von Kaufman Hotel in Tasñhkent
Hotel «Palace von Kaufman» is situated in reconstructed
ancient mansion in the centre of Tashkent and all guests of our
town will be received with warm eastern hospitality and
qualitative European service.
Apartments in our hotel satisfy the requirements of
everyone, who stays at a hotel, whatever it would be
business-trip, or travel tour.
Our hotel offers:
- 49 comfortable rooms
- 3 apartments
- Baths and bathroom units in every apartment
- Space television
- System of conditioning
- Conference room - 100-120 seats
- Restaurant in the building - 70 seats. European,
Spanish, and Uzbek cooking
- Summer restaurant-bar
- Twenty-four-hour restaurant-bar
- Outdoor swimming-pool
- Sauna, indoor swimming pool (massage parlour)
- Twenty-four-hour auto parking
"Die Information wurde am Mai 2009"
Palace von Kaufman hotel - Preise: |
Einbettzimmer |
50$ |
Zweibettzimmer |
60$ |
Twin |
65$ |
LUX-room |
85$ |
SuperLux |
105$ |
Apartment |
125$ |
Indoor swimming pool |
Outdoor swimming-pool |
Restaurant |
English version of a site of hotel Palace von Kaufman
Deutsche Version der Seite Palace von Kaufman
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Rest room